PV Array Tilt Angle Calculator
You can use this page to calculate noontime sun angles for the 21st day of each
month. It uses simple formulas and does not take into account the density of
the atmosphere.
Latitude -
In degrees. Integer from 0 to 90. Your input is validated and rounded.
Hemisphere -
North or South. Latitude entry of 0 degrees ignores hemisphere
- Appear in a new, pop-up, output window.
- Month
- Array Tilt from horizontal
- Sun altitude at solar noon
- Array Points to the North, Zenith or South.
- Data is rounded to a whole number.
- Data is for the solar noon on the 21st day of each month.
- A dash in the field indicates that the sun is below the horizon.
Print or save data
from the pop-up, output window.